Praxair Surface Technology Announces New Name

Praxair Surface Technologies is now Linde Advanced Material Technologies Inc.
Indianapolis, Indiana: Praxair Surface Technologies, Inc. announced it will now be known as Linde Advanced Material Technologies Inc. (Linde AMT), in alignment with the global Linde brand.
Linde AMT will continue to manufacture surface-enhancing materials, serving end markets including electronics, aerospace, automotive, chemical, metals and energy, among many others.
“Our vision of being the best-performing materials and surface technologies company in the markets we serve remains unchanged,” said Todd Skare, President of Linde AMT. “Under our new name, we will continue to develop new technologies, products, and services that sustain and protect our world, upholding our global mission of making our world more productive. The only change is our name; our customers, employees, and communities can still expect the same exceptional service, support and pride in our work that they are accustomed to.”
Customers and business partners will see the new name appearing on buildings, invoices and other forms of communication immediately, and the transition will be complete in the next several months.